Let me tell you about Christmas. We all went to Tia Nene’s house, and had a great time. Simple as that. Of course there is always the unwelcomed guest, but let’s not ruin the moment talking about that. Cookie was so excited. Tio Raul came (his very first Christmas!) and Cookie got many gifts. She was wearing the prettiest red dress, and felt like the princess that she is. There was a light in her face that can only be explained by a pretty dress. Her friend Kimberly was there, and the two played and ran all night long. I think she got way too many gifts though, and by the end she had that “whatever” expression on her face that made me want to hide. Anyway, it was great, we got hugs from grandma, and a week later we went to spend New Year’s with Tio Raul, but that’s another post. Here are some pics:
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