Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
"Tia Nene vai vagiar..."
Yup. =] Adorable.
Toothfairy Failed

Cookie's second tooth fell off this week. I'm posting a picture of how it looked before it fell, just barely hanging there, and I'll post the after picture later. This one didn't come off so easily; Cookie was scared, and she cried a lot when mom pulled it. I think she was kind of hurt too that we didn't just let it fall off on its own. But it was already bleeding, we could see the root on one side, and I was afraid she'd swallow it in her sleep. But the operation was a success, and Cookie was healed almost instantly.
That night, however, was especially busy for me and my large amount of homework, so I stayed up late and promised Cookie I'd put her tooth under the pillow so toothfairy would leave her her dollar. But since manas are good for nothing when they're busy and tired, of course I forgot. Cookie woke up next morning, excited, and looked under her pillow. Her face portrayed her feelings: betrayal. The toothfairy had not come for her second tooth. I quickly said I'd gotten the dollar when I woke up, afraid it'd fall under the bed (while I ran to the living room and got her the dollar). She said nothing about it, but I don't think she really bought it. She had that suspicious look. Oh well. Another one's coming soon, and I'll make sure I do it right this time.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Tooth Fairy is Visiting Today!!!

Today is a special day (and a historical one)! Cookie's first tooth came off! =]
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
New Year's with My Cookie
For New Year’s Cookie and I went to San Jose with Tio Raul. Mom and I had been having issues for some time, and I was staying at Raul’s for a while. So mom went to a party, and I took Cookie with me. First we went to the Christmas at the Park (San Jose is awesome like that), with free admission to the most amazing Christmas scene ever. You should have seen the look on her face. She had been talking about the park for days, and was so excited when we actually got there that she posed for all my pictures without complaining. They had rides on both sides of the park, and she loved them. She also ate churros and corn dogs, which was surprising (she hasn’t been eating much lately).
We went home after all the fun and stopped on our way to get bacon-wrapped hot dogs (another San Jose specialty), and Cookie ate one and a half. I couldn’t believe my eyes, but I was happy. When midnight came, we didn’t go anywhere: no fancy restaurant or crazy party, no beach or agglomeration of people. We were just there, drinking our non-alcoholic sparkling wine in coffee cups and hugging each other. Cookie looked so happy as she jumped up and down screaming “Happy new year!” with her two loose teeth, I was sure I could never spend a more special new year’s eve in my life. That was by far the best choice I ever made, staying in with her. After that we went to sleep (it was hard to remain awake until midnight). This might well be the best year we’ll have. Cheers!
Cookie's Christmas Dress

Let me tell you about Christmas. We all went to Tia Nene’s house, and had a great time. Simple as that. Of course there is always the unwelcomed guest, but let’s not ruin the moment talking about that. Cookie was so excited. Tio Raul came (his very first Christmas!) and Cookie got many gifts. She was wearing the prettiest red dress, and felt like the princess that she is. There was a light in her face that can only be explained by a pretty dress. Her friend Kimberly was there, and the two played and ran all night long. I think she got way too many gifts though, and by the end she had that “whatever” expression on her face that made me want to hide. Anyway, it was great, we got hugs from grandma, and a week later we went to spend New Year’s with Tio Raul, but that’s another post. Here are some pics:
Little Pieces of Her V
"Nevessario? That makes me excited!"
Tia Nene disse que ia esperar pra abrir a caixa de pirulito no aniversario dela. A cookie pulou e disse: "nao, vamos abrir agora, pra quando chegar o aniversario ja estar aberto." Clever, huh? =]
And here's what we've been having recently (after she spent some time with grandma):
"Mami, to falando contigo!"
"Esse e pra ti"
"Quando e que tu vai la, mae?"