Thursday, November 14, 2013

The hat is not important.

This year for Halloween Cookie wanted to be a cowgirl. Not the fanciest costume, but she chose it, and it was up to us to pay the $20 for shipping alone. We had the school carnival where she played games, ate unhealthy food and showed off her costume. Then she said something like "Of course you came last year. You always come" and my heart melted, which is why I don't really remember what happened afterwards. Then on the 31st we went trick or treating (or, as she says it "in Portuguese", trrrrick or trrreating). We got a lot of candy because, as usual, after Tia Toco went home we went out again and got some more sugar. She now agrees with me that asking for candy, even if you're not going to eat it, is like a treasure hunt. I am all pride. Here we are after the hunt. We forgot the cowgirl hat (there is always something to be forgotten), and people would look at her trying to figure out what her costume was (as if the awesome cowboy boots didn't give it away!!). All in all, it was a good day. Cookie was only scared out of her mind twice, which is an improvement on last year. And I had a better outfit on this time around.

Duck Riders

Last weekend we went riding the duck @ Pier 39. For the first time ever (I kid you not), I asked Cookie if she was having fun and she smiled and said yes. She actually looked happy, no dollar-a-day face this time. I was impressed with my happiness-inducing skills. We had tons of fun, even went on an adventure to find a place to pee. Then we bought a super expensive picture and a half-as-expensive mug, which she already gave away. Anyway, here's a picture of her right after the awesome ride.

Random Awesomeness

"Mana, voce nao pode falar mal de mim porque eu to toda doida."

When touching my static hair: "Your hair follows my hand. It's cuz it's electronic."

The other day at the playground we were walking in when she said to me: "Honey, go play!"

Here's how her Easter song goes: "Coelhino da pasta, que trazes pra mim..."