Monday, September 24, 2012


I have every other Saturday with my Cookie (her dad has the other ones), and sometimes I try to do fun things with her. This past Saturday I took her to Green Apple to buy books (she loves books) because she recently learned how to read (I know!!!) and new readers always need new books. We got a little bit of everything, even a book apparently made for future veterinarians, which shows the insides of dogs in plastic. Very disturbing, but she loved it. So we took it. Then we got home and she read a couple of them for me, and I read a couple for her. I am so in love with her new reading ability, I sometimes can't believe my ears. She sounds like such a grown-up.

In the afternoon we went to the movies to watch Finding Nemo 3D. She was surprisingly patient, not at all like the time I took her years ago and she wouldn't stop running around. I guess now she's older and wiser. =] She enjoyed the movie (for the 100th time), and loved the 3D experience. When the sharks tried to bite Nemo's dad she clung to my arm like there was no tomorrow (instead of just closing her eyes, like I do). We had lots of popcorn and lemonade (no soda is an improvement). I dressed her in a fluffy shirt that made her look so beautiful, like the precious little girl that she is.

I also caught a glimpse of  how alike we are. Cookie was grumpy in the morning, with no patience with the nosy neighbor, just like me. haha. She also refused to lend her new books to the little girl who lives next door because last time she borrowed it, she ripped all of the pages. I should encourage sharing, but I'm with her. No lending stuff to people who can't take care of it. She also asked me if I would wash her grapes so she could eat them, and when I said "of course, how could I not?" she said "mom doesn't. She says it's not necessary." Crazy mom, I told her. It's nice to know we agree on the basics.

Our next date will be at Fairyland (or whatever it's called).

Friday, September 7, 2012