Cookie travels a lot. By a lot, I mean usually once every two weeks or so. Her aunts (3) and uncles are always taking her somewhere cool, and sometimes she comes with mom and I, too. She's always off camping somewhere or playing in the snow, or visiting a distant lake. Today she's in Calistoga. She left yesterday with her aunt, uncle, and grandma (who's visiting from Brazil this month) and they should be back today. Last I heard from her, she refused to leave the pool of warm waters. She got up yesterday and was so excited that she put toothpaste on her toothbrush, but forgot to brush her teeth. That is so like her. Try to get her up to go to school, and you're in for at least an hour. But wake her up at 7 to go on a trip, and she forgets to even brush her teeth. She also forgot her blankie; my heart shrank when I saw it yesterday night. She doesn't go to sleep without her blankie. I hope all went well.
I already miss her like crazy (it's awful in here when she's gone), even though she gets on my nerves sometimes. She's been very calm and polite lately (tantrums aside), so maybe that's why I miss her more. =] I can't help but worry myself sick over her stay in Calistoga. I hate trusting others to look after the most precious thing in my life. But hey, soon it will be college parties, so I guess I'm still good. Did I mention she'll be back tonight? I'm excite

d. I miss her. I can't wait to hear her magical stories about the house, the warm water, and her swimming skills. I've been walking around and collecting lots of love to give her (because everyone knows that's how you get love, duh).